Beauty and cosmetic packaging, ideas, tips and tricks

Beauty and cosmetic packaging should showcase who your brand is, contain information about the product, consider sustainability and make transportation and storage easy. The packaging you choose can be what makes or breaks your product, and finding the right solution for your cosmetic product depends on many factors, such as where they’ll be sold, how they’re consumed, and how they need to be stored. We’ve outlined some of the most important things to consider when packaging your beauty products in this blog.

What to consider when packaging beauty and cosmetic products

It’s not just the design of the packaging, or product information that you need to make sure is featured on your packaging. There are many aspects of cosmetic packaging that should be considered, with some of the most important being:

How your beauty products look

Image is important, which is why the beauty and cosmetics industry is so popular. Your marketing and branding will help you stand out from the crowd, and it also gives you the opportunity to portray your vision for the product. Your cosmetic packaging should allow you total flexibility over how your finished product looks and help to complement the product rather than restricting your creative visions. Choosing a packaging type that gives you total freedom over the materials, print, shape, and feel will help you to create the right mix for your product.

Where your cosmetics will be sold

How and where your products are sold needs to be considered when looking at how to package your beauty brand. If they are sold to retailers and placed onto shelving units, they’ll need to stand upright, or feature euro punched handles to make it easy for stores to display them. If you only plan to sell your products online, reducing the amount of space they need in a warehouse may be more important. You should also consider your consumer - will they want a bulky item kept in their bathroom or bedroom?

Transportation and storage

Making your beauty products easy to store and cheap to transport will help the management of your inventory. If you’re selling your beauty products wholesale to retailers, you’ll also have to think about how you’ll package them into larger containers and how this fits with the packaging you selected. The lower the weight and more space you can save, the more efficient your transportation and storage process will be. Using a more flexible packaging option can help you reduce the strain on resources needed during the transportation process, which will save you on costs and has environmental benefits.

Sustainability and the environmental impact

The sustainability or eco-friendliness of your product should be considered from initial product design right through to the final product packaging. By opting for sustainable packaging, you can make it easier for your customers to take the right actions when disposing of and recycling your products after use. It demonstrates to your customers that you’re considering the impact your product has, which can give you a competitive edge and reduce the negative effect on the environment.

How your beauty product is consumed

You can find the most beautiful packaging solution that’s easy to transport and store, as well as having a minimal impact on the environment, but if it’s not suitable for the way consumers will use your product, then it’s not going to work. Some packaging features are more suited towards cosmetic products than others, such as having resealable openings, tear notches, or being made or materials such as aluminium to keep the product contents fresh.

Other packaging needs

You may need to consider more than one type of packaging. For example, will your beauty product be part of a gift set, have a smaller version for travelling with, or be available as a sample in a smaller sachet? If you’re selling goods to certain retailers, they may also have requirements for how your product is packaged to fit in with their interior store design. A good example of this is beauty face masks that often include punched euro handles to hang from railings in the checkout area. You should consider all of the ways you may distribute your goods and then find the best packaging option for each.

Multi-layered cosmetic packaging

You may need more than one packaging solution for your finished product. This could be any outer packaging, such as the box that’s shipped to customers, inner packaging which is used to house one or multiples of the actual product, and finally, the packaging where your product contents are stored. The most important part of the packaging will be the one that houses your actual product, so focus your time and resources on this area until you’re then ready to consider your wider options.

The type of beauty or cosmetic product

Different types of products need to be stored, presented and consumed in different ways. This means that there is no single packaging solution for the entire beauty and cosmetics industry, but rather different types of packaging that are more suited to some products than others. Any packaging company that offers its services for the cosmetics and beauty industry will be able to advise you based on your product, so if you’re in doubt, contact them to find out more.

We’re here to help

We offer free expert advice and support for anyone who needs product packaging, and we’d love to hear about your project and help find the right pouch for you.

Choosing the right packaging for your cosmetic products

Finding the best cosmetic packaging for your product will help store the ingredients, make it easier for your end customer, and reduce its impact on the environment. You’ll also need to consider your vision for the design and the goal of the product before deciding on which packaging is right for you. Some examples of what you’ll need to bear in mind for some beauty products are:

Face mask packaging

  • Often single-use products that contain a mask sheet covered in product, or a product that’s coated over the face.
  • They need to be protected from the outside elements to remain fresh and achieve the results advertised on the packaging.
  • Found regularly with euro punched holes so they can hang on shelves.
  • Flexible and lightweight packaging to make them easy for customers to store at home before using them.
  • Feature bright and colourful designs that often feature the ingredients that have been used to create the facemask.

Body wash packaging

  • Needs to be highly customisable and feature product information for all types of brands, genders and benefits to the user.
  • Offered in many different sizes, from travel packs that can be taken abroad to larger units that help consumers save on the cost.
  • Often needs to be sealed between uses, such as through a resealable opening or cap.
  • Kept in bathrooms and showers, so it needs to be protected from contaminants and waterproof.
  • Comes in many forms, from bottles to squeezable pouches that can be hung in a shower.

Tanning lotion packaging

  • Needs customisation options to educate customers about the lotion, such as the colour, tone, ingredients and allergens.
  • They often come as single-use sachets that can be torn open before being applied, or larger packaging that can be resealed between uses.
  • Protective packaging that keeps the insides fresh before application.
  • Can be designed to lie flat and housed in flexible packaging to make it easy for customers to store at home without taking up too much space.

Moistouriser packaging

  • Must be easy for customers to dispense the product before application and store between uses.
  • Needs to be protected from any outside contamination that could reduce the lifespan or effectiveness of the product.
  • Requires information about the ingredients and other legal information directly on the packaging.
  • Should be easy for customers to transport between uses, with consideration for travel-size variants.

Cosmetic gel packaging

  • Often single-use products which need flexible and easily storable packaging.
  • Needs to be easy for customers to squeeze the product out of the packaging.
  • Must be easily customised based on the brand and product information.
  • Should be available in various sizes, depending on when and who will be using the product.

Makeup packaging

  • Needs to be stored between uses as makeup is often used over a long period of time.
  • Requires protection from outside elements and in some cases UV rays.
  • Customers must be able to easily access and apply the product without the packaging getting in the way.
  • Often there is less room for branding and customisation, but this still needs to be considered to showcase your brand and include essential product information.
  • May need further considerations, such as a brush to help apply the product.
  • Sometimes offered as refills for larger products in smaller packaging, or come as part of a set in multiple item packages.

Brushes, mitts, razors and accessories packaging

  • They don't require the same level of packaging as liquid-based materials, but still need to stand out against competitors.
  • The packaging needs to protect the product in-case they’re being featured on shelves to avoid customers damaging or contaminating them.
  • Often hung in shops and found with euro-punched handles.
  • See-through or clear fronts to show customers what they’re purchasing.
  • Enough customisation so that customers still know the brand behind the product.

Stand-up pouches and cosmetic packaging: The right mix

One of the most flexible and customisable packaging options for the cosmetics and beauty industry is stand-up pouches, sometimes called doypacks. They’re made of either single or multiple layers of materials that keep cosmetic products fresh and safe, come in a range of materials from aluminium to clear and are available in many shapes and sizes. Stand up pouches are also a sustainable option compared to traditional packaging options, and they’ll help you stand out from the crowd while saving on costs to transport to store them. Some of the key benefits of stand-up pouches for the cosmetics industry are:

  1. Flexible materials in multiple variations
  2. Compact and easy to store
  3. Efficient to transport
  4. Sustainable - learn more about stand up pouch sustainability
  5. Easy to customise with branding and designs 
  6. Available in many shapes and sizes, such as sachets or standing pouches
  7. Can come with additional features such as tear notches, spouts and euro handles
  8. Keeps products fresh and safe from contamination

Working with a cosmetic packaging company

Understanding every decision you need to make regarding your cosmetic product packaging can be daunting, especially if your focus is on product development, brand, marketing, or other business areas. This is why you should enlist the help of a packaging company that has experience in dealing with cosmetic products. They’ll understand some of the decisions you’ll need to make along the way and advise you on the benefits or implications of the choices you can make. 

We’ve been working with many cosmetic companies and have industry insights into some of the best ways to package cosmetic and beauty products. From sample sachet creams to face masks for some of the most popular stores, get in touch with us and find out how a stand up pouch can be customised to meet your beauty products needs.

Contact SPS Pouches

If you have any enquiries concerning our pouch packaging, or would simply like to get in touch with our team, you can use the contact form or details below.

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